Who can we help?

How can we help?

What can you expect?

Processes associated with the legal system, applying for benefits, ensuring children are safe at school, securing rental accommodation and others can be difficult to understand. Protection and Parenting Orders, Police Safety Orders and offender bail conditions can be confusing. Our …

We have relationships with agencies and organisations which mean the women we work with can access a range of services quickly and without cost. These include legal services, counselling, early childhood centres and charities assisting with clothing, furniture and other …

Dealing with government agencies and ensuring you are receiving all the services an support you are entitled to can be challenging. Our Advocates are able to support you in your dealings with WINZ, Oranga Tamariki, the Police, Courts and other …

Whānau Protect
Whānau Protect is a service we provide to clients who have decided to end their relationship and are at high risk of being revictimized. The service involves the installation of a monitored silent alarm connected directly to the Police Station …

Services in the Community
With the appropriate support and safety measures, many women who experience violence are able to remain their own homes while we support them to obtain protection and parenting orders, engage in our women’s empowerment education programmes get benefits sorted and …