Te Rau Āwhina has a team of Advocates who are skilled and knowledgeable, empathetic and compassionate. You will have a dedicated Advocate who will work with you on achieving the goals you set for yourself and who is an expert on assessing risk and working with you to develop a safety plan.
Your Advocate understands that there are lots of barriers in the way of women seeking to leave violent relationships and how much courage and strength it has taken you to reach out to us for help. She also understands that you may not want to leave your relationship and are seeking advice and support on keeping yourself safe while remaining in the relationship. She will respect your choices while helping you identify risks and the options available to you and providing you with information to make informed choices.
In choosing to engage with our service, you can expect to be provided with high-quality information and advice, practical assistance and access to resources.
Your Advocate is an expert in Family Violence and skilled in overcoming obstacles and ‘making things happen.’ She can connect you with the best legal services, advocate on your behalf with WINZ, provide support in parenting children affected by trauma and refer you to a range of services within the community.
She will walk alongside you as you take the steps needed to create a life free of violence. Your rights in our service